Pending entry
Pending entry type
Type of Pending entry:
- Pending entry disabled: first deal will be opened by market.
- Entry with STOP order: buy-stop / sell-stop orders will be set on signal.
- Entry with LIMIT order: buy-limit / sell-limit orders will be set on signal.
Distance to order
Distance from the current price to the pending order.
Extremum bars
If Extremum bars > 0, pending order open price will be based on the price extremum (instead of current price):
- Buy-stop and sell-limit orders will be set on “Highest price of last Extremum bars + Distance to order”,
- Sell-stop and buy-limit orders will be set on “Lowest price of last Extremum bars - Distance to order”.
Trail pendings mode
Trailing mode for pendings:
- Disabled: pendings will not be moved
- Trail on signal: pendings will be moved only while signal is active (oscillator in zone, filters allow this direction, etc.)
- Trail always: pendings will be moved till cancellation or execution.
Order level calculates using Distance to order and Extremum bars parameters and order moves to the new level only if the new level is better than the previous one (lower — for buy-stops and sell-limits, or higher — for sell-stops and buy-limits).
Cancel on opposite signal
Cancel order on the opposite oscillator signal. In 2.09 this behavior was regulated by the Close on opposite signal parameter.
Cancel after distance
Pending order will be canceled if distance to the current price is greater than specified distance.
Pending order will not be placed if the distance to current price is too big.
Set 0 to disable cancellation after distance.
Cancel after bars
Pending order will be canceled after specified number of bars.
Set 0 to disable cancellation after bars.
Distance calc mode
Distance to order and Cancel after distance can be set:
- In Points (what is a “point”?)
- As a Volatility Coefficient (volatility parameters must be set correctly)
- As a Percentage of Price (asset price * Percentage / 100)
Enter by market if opposite trade is open
Set true to disable Pending entry for buys if any sell position is open and vice versa (buy will be opened by market if signal appears).
Delete if opposite trade is open
Set true to delete pending buy-order if any sell position is open and vice versa. New buy-order can be opened when the sell-position is closed.
Delete on position close
Enable this option if you want to cancel existing pending order if another position is closed:
- Delete on any close: delete pending order if it was set before last position of any direction is closed
- Delete on co-dir close: delete pending order if it was set before last position of the same direction is closed (buy-limit and buy-stop will be canceled only after close of buy position)
- Disable: function disabled